Leaf Hoppers causing headaches in your plant collection?

What to do about Leafhoppers


Leafhoppers are related to aphids, they suck out the contents of individual plant cells which are then replaced by air, giving the characteristic bleached white spots on the leaves of infested plants.

As with all sap suckers, they make leaves sticky and can lead to the plant becoming diseased.

The adults are 3mm long, there are are over 180 species and can be a few different colours.

They jump or make short flights to get around, hence their name.

Eggs are deposited singly into the leaf veins from the underside of the leaf.  You may also find cast skins of them here which will be white. 

Lacewing larvae will feed on leafhopper nymphs, but no biological control is available for the adults. Use of yellow or red sticky traps to attract adults can be used as control.


Shop Lacewing Larvae

Shop Red Traps