What are Mealybug? How to spot and treat this destructive plant pest
What are Mealybug?
Mealybugs are little white-grey creatures which look a bit like tiny elongated woodlice. They have a white waxy coating making it difficult to kill them with chemical pesticides. They thrive in warm, light indoor conditions and are therefore active all year round on indoor plants and crops.

What does Mealybug damage look like? The symptoms

Mealybug secrete Honeydew, sooty moulds may then grow on these secretions. The wooley masses are also unsightly. In large numbers they can cause the death of branches or even whole plants.
How do you stop Mealybug?
Mealybug Treatments
Cryptolaemus was one of the first discoveries in the science of biological control. This little beetle known as "the Australian Ladybird" was first exported from Australia to California in 1891 to control citrus mealybug.
The larvae hatch out as voracious predators of mealybugs. Young larvae and adults prefer the smaller stages of mealybug, whereas the large larvae will eat mealybugs of any size. If mealybug is in short supply, Crytpolaemus may also eat young scale insects.