Amblyseius Andersoni is primarily used to prevent and treat Fuchsia Gall Mite. It's an excellent product for catching the mites as they comes out of hibernation in the early spring. DO NOT ORDER THIS PRODUCT IS YOU ALREADY HAVE A GALL MITE INFESTATION, SEE ADVICE BELOW.
The sachets contain a breeding colony of mites that crawl out slowly over a period of 4-6 weeks stopping an infestation from taking hold. If you already have the pest in large numbers please cut the worst of the infestation away before introducing the predators.
These predatory mites are widely used in commercial glasshouses to control unwanted plant pests. Amblyseius Andersoni is used to treat different species of Red Spider Mite (Tetranychus spp. and Panonychus spp.) Fuchsia Gall Mites, Pear Blister Mites, Rust Mites and Thrips, it can tolerate a wide range of high and low temperatures 6°C to 40°C, making it a great early season control.
If you have left it a bit long for the slow release to get on top of the population, if a pest population is already established it will be difficult for Amblyseius species to gain effective control quickly. Species such as Phytoseiulus stand a better chance at bringing about a curative control due to the species ability to move easily across the webbing structure. You can fine that product here.
Further information
How much do I need?
When to use
How to use
Amblyseius spp. are difficult to spot with the naked eye, and to tell apart even with the benefit of a microscope. The colour of the mites vary according to what they have been feeding upon. Amblyseius are suitable for glasshouses and conservatories, as well as outside. They can feed on pollen and spores when there isn't enough live prey for them to survive on in the winter months, this makes them an effective early preventative measure.
We would suggest using 1 sachet per metre square or 1 per plant.
Get this product very early in the season, they are active from 6°C! They will feed on pollen and spores in the absence of prey or before the pest comes out of hibernation. If you suffered with Fuchsia Gall mite last season then introduce the sachets before you first spotted the damage last year.
The sachets are very low maintenance, simply fold them with the hole on the inside and balance them on the branches.