Thrips Prevention - Thrips are very difficult to reach with chemical sprays but Amblyseius predator mites are small enough to find and eat them, release early as they control the first stages of the Thrips lifecycle.
Use indoors, all year round.
Use outside, introduce the Amblyseius in mid-May, or earlier where temperatures are constantly warm. Amblyseius will survive on pollen from flowers until the young thrips start to appear and provide them with a preferred diet, thus preventing an infestation from taking hold.
This product should be used in prevention of an outbreak so either around the time that you normally see Thrips or at the very first sign that they are present. If you already have a Thrips problem then please check out our other products for Thrips as you will need something that also controls the adult stage.
Biological controls are not always kept in stock, they are ordered in fresh. This can sometimes lead to a time lag between when you place the order and when it is despatched. Order by 10am Monday for same week despatch.
Further information
How much do I need?
When to use
Sachets or shaker tub?
Thrips suck juices out of leaves and emerging flowers, leaving them with a 'rasped' look. They do not generally kill plants, but make them look tired and unsightly. If they attack young emerging shoots then leaves may be crooked and misshapen.
Amblyseius cucumeris is a tiny, pale coloured beneficial mite. It is used by professional glasshouse growers to control thrips and tarsonemid mites. It can be used in gardens outside in the summer months in sheltered areas.
These mites crawl around on the leaves and within the flower buds looking for their favourite prey which are thrips larvae. They usually target the smaller, newly hatched young, but they have been known to tackle larvae bigger than themselves. The mites also work well to prevent outbreaks of broad and cyclamen mites.
Amblyseius spp. are difficult to spot with the naked eye, and to tell apart even with the benefit of a microscope. The colour of the mites vary according to what they have been feeding upon.
Application rate is a minimum of 50 mites per sqm
These little predatory mites work best in temperatures between 10°C – 27°C, and appreciate some humidity to help them gain control of their prey more quickly.
Amblyseius Cucumeris can tolerate hot, dry conditions, suitable for glasshouses and conservatories, as well as outside during the Summer.
This product should be used in prevention of an outbreak so either around the time that you normally see Thrips or at the very first sign that they are present. If you already have a Thrips problem then please check out our other products for Thrips.
Which format to choose
Loose shaker tub - an immediate and high dose of predatory mites. Good for quickly establishing a population of mites and providing an immediate defense for your crop.
Sachets (see slow release product) - Sachets release a breeding colony of mites onto the plant, even before the target pest is present. The breeding colony is contained within a small paper sachet, which is carefully designed to maintain the colony in good condition. Mites continue to emerge from sachets over several weeks and in much higher numbers than with a single broadcast release.
The sachets have a hook for hanging on branches but can be propped against smaller plants. You will need 1 sachet for 1-2 m² or 1 per plant. They may give you up to 6 weeks protection because the sachets contain grain mites, which give the amblyseius a source of food to stop them all emerging at once.
Q - I just used an insecticide can I use this product?
A - You cannot introduce any live predators within 6 weeks of using a chemical pesticide
Q- If I buy more than I need can I keep some back for later?
A - You need to use the product immediately
Q - Will I see the mites?
A - They are tiny, you will see them through a hand lens
Q - What will happen to the mites after they have eaten the Thrips?
A - They will die out if there are no Thrips
Q - Can I use this product before I see any Thrips?
A - This product is preventative as well as curative so you can use them when there are no Thrips but when you are worried about a Thrips infestation
If you have a question email Plantcare@ladybirdplantcare.co.uk