A potent mix containing 2 parasites (Aphidius colemani and Aphidius ervi) in one pack providing multiple control of all important aphids.
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Product description
How much do I need?
When to use
How to use
Ideally treatments for aphids should be used at the first sign of aphids.
The mix works so well because Aphidius colemani deals with smaller aphid species and Aphidius ervi deals with the larger aphid species. Best used for preventing the establishment of more than 25 different species of aphid including the most common pest species, Aphis gossypii, Macrosiphum euphorbiae and Myzus persicae.
Both are parasitic wasps the female wasp lays an egg within the aphid. The egg hatches within 2-3 days and the wasp larvae feeds on the aphid leaving a parasitized mummy on the plant.
The control should be released close to the colony. As aphid populations grow rapidly you need to act quickly.
The insects are supplied ready to hatch out in their “mummy” form. You will probably not be able to see the mummies without a glass or microscope, but if it is warm enough you will see some adult aphidius flying out of the tube when you open it. They look like very small flying ants, about 2-4mm long.
The tube will contain the mummies, some inert carrier for protection and possibly a few ready hatched flying adults.
1 wasp per square metre
Aphidius are most effective when temperatures are constantly above 15°C
Do not open the bottle until you are near the plants as hatched adults may fly out!
To apply the aphidius open the bottle and gently sprinkle on the plants to be protected and then leave the tube on the soil so that any remaining aphidius can fly away. It does not matter if they fall off the leaves. Try to avoid sprinkling onto an area which may get disturbed. Alternatively, if you are treating a very small area, you can just lay the tube on its side with the top open and let the insects fly out themselves when hatched.
Put the Aphidius out straight away to stop them all from hatching out and dying through lack of food. The quicker you release them the more success you will have.