Dogs and slugs and nematodes, the lowdown

Are common garden slugs harmful to dogs?

Slugs themselves aren't poisonous BUT they can spread a parasite called lungworm, a potentially deadly disease in dogs.

Your dog can become infected by eating a slug.   Slugs can be tiny, and your dog may swallow them when eating grass or playing with a toy that has been left out in the garden.  Even their slime trails can be infectious.

Vet, Dr Vicky Strong MRCVS explains: Adult lungworms live in the dog's heart and blood vessels.  They can cause lots of damage throughout the body and make the dog seriously ill.  Lungworm is often fatal.

So how can you reduce slug numbers in your garden?

There are many slug control treatments and contraptions on the market, some are dog or pet safe and others aren't.  Some are also far more effective than others.  Chemical based slug controls are not wildlife friendly and dogs should not be allowed on to treated areas immediately after they have been put applied.

Dr Vicky Strong tells us: Pet owners need to be really careful when using traditional slug baits as many of them contain a chemical called metaldehyde.  Metaldehyde is extremely toxic to pets.

Nematodes; dog safe and super effective

Lots of people ask if nematodes are safe for dogs and the answer is ABSOLUTELY!  They are 100% biological and safe, and your dog can dig and play on treated areas immediately. 

They are also extremely effective.  There are up to 95% more slugs in your garden than you ever see as the vast majority live underground.  Only nematodes will reach this part of the population and stop them making their way to the surface.

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